What did you like/hate or find easy/hard about writing the narrative?
What I liked about writing the narrative was how I could talk about an experience I have had in my life. I never talked about how I felt during the trip before, so it was nice to express my feelings. I also liked how the essay was open-ended, I was not being hindered or restricted on what I could write and how I could write it. However it was hard to write because I have not talked about it before and the trip was so long ago.
How did writing for peer review differ from writing individually or for a different audience?
Writing for a peer narrative was different because we had a list of questions we had to follow and answer. We had to abide by the rules and answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. Some questions asked what we thought about the narrative and how it compares to our own narrative. However when writing individually, there were no rules or questions to follow, just to write freely. It was like we were just telling a story of an experience. Individual writing is more personal and the peer review was more informative.
What shifted in the retelling of your story about why you want to be a doctor?
In retelling my story, I focused more on the first reason that inspired me which was me being born premature and spending a few months in the hospital. In my first essay for Sophie, I spent little time on this area and focused more on the people around me that inspire me to pursue a career in medicine like my parents and sister, and also the experiences I went through like volunteering.
A fear I have with my future as being a physician?
A fear that I have is that I do not pass my boards or official exams. I want to pass all of them on the first try of me taking them. T do not want to have to stay back a few months or a year to re-take a test I failed. Another fear I have is I do not get the specialty that I want. If I do not score high enough on some of the exams, I will not get the specialty I want.